A market order is an order to buy or sell an amount of cryptocurrency immediately at current market prices.
Assuming that the current Bitcoin (BTC) market price is 13,000 USD. If you want to buy BTC immediately at market price, you can choose your order type and then set your buying amount at $20,000 USD.
Your order will get filled immediately. Any part of your order that didn’t get filled will be canceled. After the order is placed, it gets filled immediately, any unfilled part of the order will be canceled. In a fast-moving market the final buy price of this order may not be $13,000 USD, but the real-time market price, which may be different.
Placing an order
To execute a Market Order on OKCoin, go to the Trading section.
On the right hand side of the page, click on the order type bar. Select Market in the drop down menu.
(Using Spot trading with the drop down menu selected as an example)
Choose the total amount of the token you want to buy. Then choose to either Buy or Sell. Your market order should be executed immediately.