If you have any active Earn deposit, you can redeem it in the mobile app. We're temporarily suspending Earn, so we'll automatically redeem all your regular Earn deposits on or before February 23, 2023.
Note - You can't redeem cycle offers (STX, MIA, NYC) manually. If you have these deposits, we'll automatically redeem them at the end of the deposit term. This may happen even after February 23 due to blockchain rules.
How to redeem in the mobile app
- Select the Earn card with your lifetime earnings on the homepage
- Select the crypto you want to redeem from the list
- Select the deposit you want to redeem under Earn deposits
- If the order status is Earning, select Redeem. You can cancel any redemption within 30 minutes after requesting it.
Selecting the Earn card on the homepage
Exploring the list of crypto
Exploring the list of deposits
If you can't redeem your deposit, check the order status. It may be because the status is Pending (we haven't sent your deposit to the blockchain yet) or Redeeming (you're already redeeming this deposit).
If you can't redeem your deposits or haven't received them automatically after February 23, contact our support team at support@okcoin.com.